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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Spotlight Star?

When I was in 4th grade, I was in the high school musical, The Music Man. I was picked, but I didn't play my part. But that's a different story. I was also selected to be Rex in Toy Story in our4th grade play. But now the middle school auditions are creeping around for the musical, Cinderella. I am not so sure about being picked for the cast.

This is how it works: About 60-100 kids audition for the play or, in this case, a musical. You go in, dance, sing, and act in front of judges. Then, on Saturday, they go home and spend 4-8 hours casting the cast. Only about 40-50 kids get cast. They take the auditions on film. So you're really performing for judges (one of them happens to be my chorus teacher), a camera (who knows who will end up seeing that?), and everyone who's there.

On Monday, they post the cast on my chorus teacher's door. I am really afraid that one of my friends might not get into the play but I will, or the other way around. I am trying out for the Stepmother. Since I am a nervous wreck, I have memorized all of my lines for the audition. If anyone has any advice, please tell me.

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