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Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Fresh Slate

Well, it's that time of year: Back to school. Personally, I think that starting the school year is like starting an entire new year. I mean, you can change your hair, change your style in clothing, change your personality, but most of all you can just have a fresh start.

Seventh grade is going to certainly be busy. I'll be doing sports all year long, soccer (that starts on the first day of school), indoor soccer (in the winter), and track and feild (during the spring). On top of all that, I am trying out for both musicals, The Legend of the Sleepy Hallow and Annie. I am also taking Latin as a foreign language.

Summer is fun for the first two months, but by the first week of August I just want to get back in the routine. I miss the happenings, my friends, the lunch drama (sort of), the musicals, sports, and just seeing people.

This year I decided to start with a different look and personality. In fact, I just made friends with my old enemy. Right now I have my first day of school outfit ready in the closet. Plus, all of my school supplies labeled and tucked away in my backpack.

Here's to a great new year!